Returning Dual Credit Students: Classes begin on August 17th for ASU. You do not need to reapply with ASU or complete another Presidential Scholars Agreement - those steps are only for new dual credit students. Mrs. Rizo will register you for your classes. You can start checking your ASU account for info late next week. A bill will be sent to your ASU account after classes begin. Please check your Crane email for information about which textbooks you need to buy. Email or call Mrs. Rizo for questions.
over 4 years ago, Adrienne Horton
Important Message from Mrs. Rizo, High School Counselor to Students new to Dual Credit: It is almost time to begin your Dual Credit Classes. These classes begin on August 17th, which is sooner than your regular high school courses. We need to make sure all of you have applied with ASU and complete the Presidential Scholars Agreement. After you complete these two tasks, I will do the rest to register you with ASU. You will be asked to pay the fee at a later date in August. Please begin checking your school email again regularly, so you do not miss upcoming information. Step 1: Apply at ASU using this link: I need this done by August 4th. Step 2: Complete the Presidential Scholars Agreement using the same link. Print it out, sign it with your parents, and return to me in person or scan/email it to me. I need this also by August 4th. Several of you have already been in contact with me, and you do not need to do anything else right now. If you have questions, please email me or call the office and ask to speak to me. -- Dana Rizo, M.Ed. School Guidance Counselor Crane High School Crane ISD
over 4 years ago, Adrienne Horton
The first day of school for students will be on Monday, August 24, 2020. Please click the link for more information from Superintendent Janet Hunt.
over 4 years ago, Adrienne Horton
The new school is approaching quickly and we have lots of preparation and we need input from you. Please click on the following link and complete the survey. The survey will only be available until Saturday, July 18th. We look forward to receiving your information.
over 4 years ago, Adrienne Horton
over 4 years ago, Stephen Cross
In addition to Chromebooks and hotspots, during their assigned times students need to turn in calculators, textbooks, and library books that have been entrusted to them.
over 4 years ago, Stephen Cross
Crane High School will be collecting our students’ chrome books and hot spots next week. Seniors-May 18 9:00 am - 1:00 pm; Juniors-May 19 9:00 am - 1:00 pm; Sophomores-May 20 9:00 am - 1:00 pm; Freshmen-May 21 9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Stephen Cross
Senior Parent Graduation Meeting Reminder! Just a reminder that all seniors have been emailed an invitation to tonight's ZOOM meeting at 7 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Stephen Cross
Graduating Seniors! We will be conducting a ZOOM meeting to invite our parents to share your thoughts with us as we plan their graduation ceremony at 7pm Friday, May 1st. Invitations to the meeting were emailed to our senior students and they should attend with you, if possible.
almost 5 years ago, Stephen Cross