IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding TICKETS for this Friday Night’s Football Game vs Wink
Preface – In an effort to accommodate the families of students participating in Friday Night’s contest (i.e. Band members, Flag Corp, Cheerleaders, Football Players, Trainers, etc), we had a student ticket distribution on Wednesday during lunch. Students were able to come get tickets for their family members wanting to come to the game. We did this to help ensure those participant’s family members were able to watch their child perform. Based on the number of Tickets that were given out, we have reached stadium capacity of 50% on the Home Side. Therefore, we are SOLD out for the home side for Friday Night’s football game. No more tickets will be passed out for seating on the home side. You MUST have a TICKET to enter the Home Side Section of the Stadium.
However, the school district has decided to open up sections on the visitor’s side for Crane fans wanting to attend the game. The two sections closest to the visitor’s ticket booth – located on the South East end of the stadium. We were able to open up 150 seats in those to areas. Therefore, 150 spectators will be allowed into the stadium on Friday night. If you don’t not currently have a ticket and want to come to the game, you will be able to stand in line for possible entrance into the game. The FIRST 150 spectators will be allowed through the gates. Upon entering the stadium, you will be directed to the visitor’s side by one of our gate attendees. We ask you to please sit in the DESIGNATED Crane Fan Sections. Wink will have the other four section for their fans.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Go Big (Go Begin in Gratitude)
Coach Cordell
Athletic Director – Crane ISD
Ticket Information for ALL future Home Football Games at El Ave Stadium..
During Lunch on Wednesday and Thursday.. Students that are participating in the game (playing in the football game, participating in the band, flag corp, cheer, etc) will be able to get UP to 4 tickets for your family. Coach Cordell will be available at the high school so you can pick up your ticket(s). If your family already has season tickets, this does not apply to you. You will only have this opportunity on Wednesday and Thursday. If you do not get a ticket(s) than you and your family member(s) will have to stand in line the night of the game.
You and/or a family member are no longer able to stand in line and pick up multiple tickets and then leave and come back at a later time. Once you enter the stadium, you will be counted towards our attendance mark and must stay in the stadium.
Southwest Gate (home side) will open at 6:15pm. In addition, for those of you that can not attend, the game will be live streamed on YouTube. We will send a link Thursday afternoon or Friday.
This information is for High School students only. All Junior High and Elem students must come into the stadium with their parents and seat with them during the game.
Please help spread the word.
"It's a Great day to have a Great Day!!"
Go Big!!
Coach Cordell
Herff Jones will be a Crane HS today from 11-4 for graduation orders and ring orders.
There are 375 tickets available for tonight's ballgame. Tickets can be picked up at the South West gate of the stadium. This ticket will allow you entrance into the stadium. Seating will be based on first come first serve and what is available. Any sets marked with "taping" are not usable seats. Fans that enter the stadium will go through a COVID-19 screening process. Screening questions will be asked and temperature will be taken at the gate. FACE MASKS will be REQUIRED once you are inside the stadium. FACE MASKS will be REQUIRED while you are sitting in the stands, unless you are eating or drinking. Once the 375 tickets are given out, the gates will be shut down.
Once the game starts, if you exit the stadium you will not be allowed to come back in.
225 seats will be available on the home side and 150 seats will be available on the visitors side. (Visiting side seating for Crane fans will be on the South East section of the stands. This area will be roped off)
Option: You can arrive at the ticket booth early and get your ticket. You may leave if you choose to do so and return at a later time. However, you will be required to stand in line and go through the COVID-19 screening process. The ticket will ensure that you will be allowed into the stadium.
Please note, if you are unable to attend the game, the game will be live streamed. Here is the link to watch the game
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter,
Go Big!!
Coach Cordell
General admission football tickets will be available starting @5:45 at the southwest main gate. There will be no tickets sold at the administration building for any home games. All general admission tickets will be free of charge and on a first come first serve basis. With this being Homecoming, we will have 3 sections on the visitor side available for Crane fans sectioned off.
Homecoming Week is September 14th-18th
Monday: Dress as your favorite Olympian
Tuesday: Wear red, white, and blue.. TEAM USA
Wednesday: Color wars.. Dress as your class color
Freshman-Hot pink, Sophomores-red, Juniors-black, Seniors-White
Thursday: Bring home the gold. WEAR BLING!
Friday: Wear purple and gold
Students who are taking online courses can pick up chromebooks at the SUR on Tuesday, August 25 and Wednesday, August 26 from 2:00 - 4:00 PM.
Football is back! Please check out the Friday Night Lights guidelines for this football season from our Superintendent.
In order to expedite entry, please read this article and fill out the required form.
At this time, students will not be permitted off campus for lunch. Students may bring a lunch with them in the morning or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria which will be delivered to campus. The link above shows a map of where student will have lunch. Lunches may not be delivered to school. This process will continue until it is deemed safe for students to leave for lunch due to the COVID 19 virus.
Please use the link to find your entrance to school each day. Due to social distancing, we are having each grade level enter in a different area. Each entrance is marked for the grade level that is to enter through it. I suggest going up to school and walking around the building this weekend to ensure you know where to be on Monday morning. Doors will open at 8:15am. If you arrive to school before 8:15am, please line up outside your assigned door and stand on the Crane dots on the ground to ensure social distancing.
Hello Crane High School students! You should be picking up your schedules today. On your schedule you will see a classroom number for the morning and one for the afternoon, please use these room numbers for the first day. You will go straight to your AM classroom when entering school, there is no congregating in the hallways due to social distancing. There will be additional posts to help with school entry and lunch. Please read and click all links to all posts before Monday, August 24, 2020.
Parents/Guardians: Just a few reminders about returning to school: 1. Masks are required upon entry of any school building. 2. If you have traveled outside of the United States you must quarantine for 14 days before returning/entering school. 3. If you are having issues with registration, please call the office at the Campus your student will attend. Please know this is an extremely busy time for the offices at the schools and would appreciate your patience as we try to serve as many people as possible.
Padres / Tutores: Solo algunos recordatorios sobre el regreso a la escuela: 1. Se requieren máscaras al ingresar a cualquier edificio escolar. 2. Si ha viajado fuera de los Estados Unidos, debe estar en cuarentena durante 14 días antes de regresar o ingresar a la escuela. 3. Si tiene problemas con el registro, por favor llame a la oficina del campus al que asistirá su estudiante. Por favor, sepa que este es un momento extremadamente ocupado para las oficinas de las escuelas y agradecería su paciencia mientras tratamos de servir a la mayor cantidad de personas posible.
Crane High School students and parents. I can see that about 230 of you have logged into the online registration system, but I'm not showing your registration to be complete. Please make sure you are saving, submitting and finishing the documents until the end to complete. Registration closes tonight. I look forward to meeting you all on Monday.
Información importante para padres y estudiantes
Important Information for Crane ISD students
Returning Dual Credit Students:
Classes begin on August 17th for ASU. You do not need to reapply with ASU or complete another Presidential Scholars Agreement - those steps are only for new dual credit students. Mrs. Rizo will register you for your classes. You can start checking your ASU account for info late next week. A bill will be sent to your ASU account after classes begin. Please check your Crane email for information about which textbooks you need to buy. Email or call Mrs. Rizo for questions.
Important Message from Mrs. Rizo, High School Counselor to Students new to Dual Credit:
It is almost time to begin your Dual Credit Classes. These classes begin on August 17th, which is sooner than your regular high school courses. We need to make sure all of you have applied with ASU and complete the Presidential Scholars Agreement. After you complete these two tasks, I will do the rest to register you with ASU. You will be asked to pay the fee at a later date in August. Please begin checking your school email again regularly, so you do not miss upcoming information.
Step 1: Apply at ASU using this link:
I need this done by August 4th.
Step 2: Complete the Presidential Scholars Agreement using the same link. Print it out, sign it with your parents, and return to me in person or scan/email it to me. I need this also by August 4th.
Several of you have already been in contact with me, and you do not need to do anything else right now. If you have questions, please email me or call the office and ask to speak to me.
Dana Rizo, M.Ed.
School Guidance Counselor
Crane High School
Crane ISD
The first day of school for students will be on Monday, August 24, 2020. Please click the link for more information from Superintendent Janet Hunt.
The new school is approaching quickly and we have lots of preparation and we need input from you. Please click on the following link and complete the survey. The survey will only be available until Saturday, July 18th. We look forward to receiving your information.