May 28, 2021
Parents will receive a letter detailing summer school information if it is required for their child. High School: June 7-24 Monday-Thursday 9:00-12:00 Retesting June 22-24 ...

May 21, 2021
The Crane High School Graduation will be live streamed. To tune in, please use the YouTube link below;
Note: In the event any change shall...

May 6, 2021
Enrollment for the 2021-2022 School Year for the Three Year Old Program and the After School Program (Pre-K - 5th Grade) at the Fledgling Center will open up to the public on June...

March 26, 2021
Breakfast & Lunch are available in the cafeteria as grab n go at the back door if you would rather pick it up. Breakfast starts at 7:30 AM and ends at 8:15 AM. Lunch starts at ...

March 22, 2021
With the safety of our community in mind we will continue utilizing masks for students, staff, and visitors. As we receive guidance from TEA and the CDC we will make adjustments ...

February 17, 2021
To Crane Parents/Guardians, Due to major water concerns throughout the City of Crane, Crane ISD will remain on virtual learning through Friday the 19th. As of now the district w...

February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021 Dear All, I know that Crane ISD was hoping to open for on campus learning tomorrow. However, after meetings this afternoon concerning weather, energy conserva...

February 12, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians of Crane ISD Students,
As I am sure that you are aware, a massive winter storm is approaching our area. Texas Education Agency, out of Austi...

February 2, 2021
Breakfast is available in the cafeteria in the mornings and also as grab n go at the back door if you would rather pick it up. Breakfast starts at 7:30 and ends at 8:15. All ...

January 21, 2021
There will be a girls basketball clinic on January 23, 2020 from 9:30 -11 AM. This will be for grades 2-8. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Girls Basket...

January 15, 2021
The first day of the Crane Junior Livestock Show is about to start! Please see the schedule below. Links to view are also posted! Crane Junior Livestock Show 1/15/2021

January 12, 2021
We will be live streaming the Varsity Basketball Games against Sonora. The primary streams will appear on the Crane ISD Social Media YouTube Channel 15 minutes before the start o...

January 11, 2021
Important Event Information.. Moving forward Crane ISD will be using the ONLINE Ticketing platform for the remaining home games in basketball (HIGH SCHOOL Games Only). Process...
December 7, 2020
Crane HS Girls' and Boys' Basketball is partnering with the Crane County Sheriff's Department's Purple Santa program to bring to you the Purple Santa Game. Bring an unwrapped chil...
November 18, 2020
In discussions with local officials it has been determined that maintaining an on-line learning environment would be best for the health of our community. In-person learning will...

November 17, 2020
We will be making some modifications to the website. The overall layout will remain the same, with the exception of the main menu and the primary gallery. In respect to the menu...

November 14, 2020
To all Parents and Guardians of Crane ISD students: Due to the surge in COVID-19 positive cases and close contact situations we will be closing all campuses until after the Tha...

November 11, 2020
While we are sad to not be able to to host our annual Veterans Day assembly due to health concerns, we are proud to provided an encore presentation of one of our former events. A...

November 7, 2020
Bi-District Championship Playoff Information Crane vs Brady Date: Thursday, Nov 12, 2020 - 7PM Location: San Angelo Stadium Ticket prices: Have not been determined at this ...

October 29, 2020
Meals are available for children 18 and younger, and enrolled students with disabilities up to 21 years old. For more information please view the link below! Fall Flyer